Helping small business owners make sense of their money

Are you a business owner with 1-25 employees?

Get a plan, not a product.
We help business owners make sense of their money through thoughtful planning.
We don't push costly products - we create a plan that helps you feel more confident in your finances.
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As a business owner, time & money are two of your most valuable assets.

Here's how we help with both so you can spend more time on what's important.

← See what financial planning looks like in action
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A 30-minute call with Patrick to see if we're the right advisors for you
Meet the team

Patrick was one of less than 5,000 advisors under the age of 30 to hold the CFP® designation and is also an Enrolled Agent (EA). As a team, we empower our clients to discover what really matters and make informed financial decisions across each facet of their lives. Our goal is to deliver massive value to you year by year, not trade by trade.

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patrick and christy
Just a few ways we can help
Getting Organized
We review your financial life, clarify the questions that come from our review, and draft a cash flow statement & plan outline. This is the basis of your plan.
Tax Planning
Then we analyze where we can save you money on taxes and put $$ in your pocket to increase cash flow and savings towards your goals.
Protection Planning
We analyze how we can protect what you have today and what you will have in the future. We have to protect your cash flow today before we can save it tomorrow.
Investment Planning
Finally, we review your current investments, how they are setup, and align them to your goals.
Easier-to-use apps

We offer a fully digital experience to our clients nationwide.

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Get instant access to our free eBook:
Helping Small Business Owners Achieve Financial Freedom
• How to pay less in taxes
• How to protect yourself & your business
• Getting started with investing
• And more
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What we believe in
You've invested everything into your business.
Now it's time to invest in yourself.
Take the First Step to Financial Clarity